MDC AGM minutes 2017

MDC AGM minutes 2017

Mynyddwr De Cymru AGM Minutes 2017
Tuesday 4 July 2017

Holly Bush Inn, Draethen
Attendees: Becky Smith-Williams, Nicky Freeman, Richard Cronin, Ben Arkell, Martyn Driscoll, Andy Stott, Gill Stott, Cara Cullen, Lucy Baker, Haydn Griffiths, Alan Stone, Alice Bedwell, Ben Moon, Matt Stott, Will White, John Hallet, Mark Ponsford, Katie Roby, Christine Farr, Jane Aggleton, Rob West, John Aggleton, Oliver Lamford, Kay Lucas, Clive Horsfield, Derek Thornley, Gareth Jones, Karen Elvers, Gary Davies.
Apologies: Andy Blackmore, Marcus Pinker, [ANY MORE?]
Last Year’s Minutes
It was agreed that last year’s meeting minutes were considered accurate and accepted.
Matters Arising

  • Thank you to Marcus Pinker for planning routes and hosting runners. Marcus has passed on a message to say he is happy to continue.
  • Martyn D. requires help organising booking pub meals July to August. Gill agrees to help organise pub meals.
  • More volunteers are needed for WFRA; races marshalling and organising

Team relays (2017)

  • Club will contribute 50% of entry costs
  • Matt will lead men’s A team
  • Lucy and Nicky will organise Ladies team
  • Martyn will organise men’s B team
  • Date announced 15th October Llanberis

Race Vest Design

  • Darren has volunteered to design a new vest top with updated logo.
  • There is a need to shift old stock first before placing a new order of vests and the design will be reassessed when a new order is to be placed.
  • The club would like to place another order for the ‘MDC RUN’ T-shirts. John will ask Hugh about printing.


  • A complaint has been made about runners urinating in inappropriate places on club runs. Could members please go well away from any private property to relieve themselves and preferably as discreetly as possible.

Officer’s Reports
Lucy Baker, Secretary – Lucy is likely to need a replacement secretary in the future since it is foreseeable on completing her PhD she may need to leave Cardiff. Lucy will remain secretary for now, but will need replacing when necessary.
Andrew Blackmore, Treasurer
1 November Balance £952.04 at 7 June 2017 balance £638.05 (-£313.99 net movement)
Two income streams:

  1. Annual membership fee (been £5/yr for 15 years)
  2. Running and cycling kit selling at cost price.

We are fortunate we are spending nothing. Costs are: internet domain, WA affiliation, contribution to ‘grand days out’ e.g. Transfan, Fell relays and summer expeditions. Net movement is due to large kit purchase, which is slowly being sold and therefore the balance will return. The monies we have earn no interest and are gradually corroded due to inflation.
The club previously agreed a donation to WFRA but do the club still want to do this?
WFRA membership is low amongst members (benefits are organisation of races and insurance). We need more volunteers to help at races. Much appreciation to Martin, Kay, Gareth Jones and Karen Elvers. WFRA need more volunteers to organise some of the races in the calendar.
Gary Davies, Membership Secretary
Membership is increasing. I don’t have the breakdown now. [ANYMORE INFO?]
Matt Stott, Men’ s Captain
We’re doing well. People are attending local races and events further afield. A lot of races are not promoted very well, however, and so attendance is up and down. John Aggleton states club members have been very active in various sports.
Lucy Baker, Lady’s Captain
Lucy is stepping down as captain because she has been unable to attend races due to injury and would prefer someone who can lead the ladies team a bit more actively at events. Katie Roby will drive forwards racing and Nicky and Lucy will organise the Ladies team at Fell Relays (2017) since Katie Roby cannot attend.
John Aggleton, Chair –
JA Delighted to see so many on Tuesday night runs.  Equally delighted to see more (relatively) younger people trying fell running. Over the past year there has been an increase in the number of women runners, which is particularly pleasing.  Hopefully there will be a women’s team at the FRA relays.  With the growth in numbers, it would be good to see more MDC vests at races (but MDC membership is not all about racing).
JA happy to continue in role or step aside if another member wants to take on the titular role.
Do we need a club first aid kit? Lead runner should have a first aid kit.
Alan Stone – Tuesday runs are ad hoc. It would be tricky to get a kit to the right person at the right time. Runners must take personal responsibility.
Mark Ponsford – Do we need to carry a shelter?
John – We can discuss this on another Tuesday night. If you have a first aid kit, please bring it with you and keep it in the car.
Martin Lucas – There are marshal kits, but why are we not getting them at races? Organisers should be providing them at races?
Election of Officers
Katie Roby – Ladies Captain (with help from Nicky and Lucy)
Nicky Freeman – Social Secretary
Gill Stott – volunteers to assist Martyn in organising pub venues/bookings
Rob West – organising relay event summer 2018
Jane Aggleton – forwarding Facebook event information e.g. club runs and important details to non-Facebook members
Marcus – continue organising routes and potentially uploading maps? Hosting winter runs at Taffs Well HQ
Oliver Lamford – uploading information and blog posts to website
NEEDED – blog posts of members forays (non-fell running ok too), more people to lead club runs, more volunteers to marshal races and to organise races, someone to organise a tour of Anglesey relay?

  • Any improvements that could be made to club runs?
    • The information for runs is posted on Facebook, it used to be email. It needs to be done by email for those whom do not use Facebook.
    • Oliver volunteers to upload venue and dates on website.
    • Mark apologises for not communicating to Martyn D. to email non- Facebook members.
    • Jane offers to relay information from Facebook to non-Facebook members.
  • Lucy – Men are leading the runs and they’re often too fast.
    • Unfamiliar routes are more of a problem. There could be an organiser and sub-organiser with a shortcut planned.
    • More people need to organise a slower run.
    • More people could be trained to navigate.
    • A map of the route could be uploaded for members to print if they wish. Marcus to upload?
    • Can we let people know in advance if we can lead a route?
  • Gill – R2T2 event next Tuesday – encourages people to use a map and compass with lap times to compare splits. Route choice available.
  • Ollie and Mark P. organising a date for Transfan
    • Change it to finish in Cwm Llwch this year at camp site.
    • Put a date out and see if you have enough runners
    • Gary – numbers usually about 10
  • Club Relay
    • Gary – Anglesey Coastal Path?
    • Rob West – wants to keep relay going needs an organiser. Rob volunteers to organise a relay event high summer 2018.
  • Christmas Party
    • Nicky will organise a party this year at HQ Taffs Well.
  • Chair – thanks all for coming. AGM will be in Spring next year.

Action Points
Rob West to organise a relay event summer 2018
Decide on donation to WFRA as previously agreed by the club in 2016 – yes or no?
Discuss if leaders need to carry first aid kit or keep one in car?
Nicky to organise a Christmas Party
Organise Fell Relays
Mark Ponsford and Oliver L to organise Transfan
Information about runs (length, elevation, terrain) to be posted on web/Facebook so beginners know what to expect
All to consider leading runs so varied pace runs are more accessible
All to pass on blog posts of their activities to Ollie for web content e.g. race reports and adventures, book/film reviews
John to ask Hugh about ordering more RUN MDC tees
All to consider volunteering to marshal at races

