MDC AGM minutes 2018

MDC AGM minutes 2018

Minutes of AGM Mynyddwyr De Cymru
Kay and Martin’s House, St Brides,
July 3th, 2018

1 – Attendees: Becky Williams, Cara Cullen, Oliver Lamford, KI, Martin Lucas, Kay Lucas, Caroline Dallimore, Nick Dallimore, Haydn Griffiths, Richard Cronin, Martyn Driscoll, Mark Ponsford, Rob West, Ian Macklin, Alan Stone, Marcus Pinker, John Aggleton, Jane Aggleton, Gary Davies, Clive Horsfield, Christine Farr, Norman Jones.
Apologies: Clare Dallimore, Matt O’Keefe, Matt Stott

2 – Last Year’s Minutes
It was agreed that last year’s meeting minutes were considered accurate and accepted.
3 – Matters Arising
First Aid Kit
Alan Stone prepared recommendations paper which was distributed to members by email.
Xmas Party
Thanks to Nicky Freeman for organising and Alan for hosting!
Fell relays
Good results – write ups on MDC website.
Went well with great weather. Write up on MDC website.
T Shirts
Another print of T-shirts was done – thanks Martyn. Cara has offered to design something for next year’s 40th anniversary.
Officer’s reports
A – Secretary – Lucy Baker
New Secretary required as Lucy Baker moving away from area – thanks for your work Lucy!
B – Treasurer – Andy Blackmore
MDC are solvent. MDC a healthy £1084.55 but note we haven’t paid anything over to WA for a while, so that should reduce it by £300.
In addition, the Treasurer put in a plea for people to join WFRA and maybe, do a few races in the various WFRS Series.
There remains the offer of donating a gazebo, flags and safety kit to the club, as per previous email.

There is the potential to subsidise the Fell Relays and the Tour of Anglesey based on merit and appropriateness.

C – Membership Secretary – Gary Davies
2017 – 67 paid up members – 46 male, 21 female. 12 people are registered with Welsh Athletics as a primary club. Average (mean) age is 47.
2018 – so far 55 paid up members including 24 females. Average age reduced to 45! 16 registered with Welsh Athletics as primary club.
Gary strongly suggests that members should join WFRA (£10) as there are insurance and other benefits (e.g. calendar at start of year).
D – Club Captains
Katy Roby – Female captain. Good representation at some events – particularly Caroline Dallimore, Karen Elvers, Chris Farr and Katy. Others encouraged!! Katy will try and encourage more.
Matt Stott – male captain. Unfortunately due to other commitments, Matt unable to continue in role. Matt O’Keefe (not present) has been suggested by Gary Davies who has his agreement – Martyn Driscoll nominated, John Aggleton seconded.
D – Welfare Officers – Alice Bedwell and Mark Saunders
Not present at meeting. No incidents or update to report.
F – President – John Aggleton
Tuesday night runs continue to be popular. However, generally not many at local races unless those organised by club member. Any feedback on why this might be welcomed – timings?
Action – all to provide any feedback on the fell races on offer locally
5 – Election of Officers – volunteer roles

  • Chris Farr volunteered to take over role as secretary as replacement for Lucy. Gary D seconded with all in agreement.
  • Matt O’Keefe has been suggested by Gary Davies who has his agreement – Martyn Driscoll nominated, John Aggleton seconded.

6 – Tuesday night runs
Runs are increasingly popular, however some concerns re slower and faster groups – this has been mostly resolved by having ‘fast’ and ‘steady’ groups. Mindful that we always need to keep an eye out for the slowest runners. Thanks to Marcus Pinker for continuing to organise the routes. Martyn Driscoll is looking for a replacement for his role in identifying and booking pubs for next season (as from October 2018). Suggestion made of having picnics rather than pub – this could be a good alternative for some runs.
Action – someone will need to take over from Martyn

7 – Fell Relays
20th October – Ambleside, Lake District. Would be aiming for at least one ladies and mens teams. Possibly also a mixed team.
Action – Team captains will ask via Facebook and email who is available.
8 – Glastonbury Tor Trophy
Not discussed as agreed to put to retired.
9 – Events / Grand Days out
Slow Paddy Buckley round – 7th and 8th July. Update – very hot!
Anglesey Coast Path Relay (21-23rd September 2018) – Rob West has already suggested legs of 4-8 kms each.
40th Anniversary run – Cambrian Way  Agreed date of 24th – 27th May 2019
10 – AOB
GDPR – we need a database of contacts that is restricted access – to committee members only?

