MDC AGM Minutes 2021
Minutes of meeting; Virtual AGM Mynyddwyr de Cymru (MDC) – via Zoom
Tuesday 16th November 2021
Minutes prepared by Chris Farr – Club Secretary
1 – In Attendance:
Chris Farr
Duncan Innes (partial attendance)
Oliver Lamford
Marcus Pinker
Gethin Thomas
Karen Elvers
Gareth Jones
Alice Bedwell
Mark Saunders
Gary Davies
John Aggleton
Donna Grant
Cara Cullen
Martyn Driscoll
Alan Stone
Matt O’Keefe
Darren Shaw
Emma Battensby
Richard Cronin
Katie Ironside
Michael Lomas
Briony Latter
Kay and Martin Lucas
Sophie Pooley
Andy and Gill Stott
Ake Fagereng
Sharon and Chris Joseph
Apologies: Becky Smith Williams, Clare Ponsford, Matt Stott, Andrew Blackmore
2 – Last Year’s Minutes
It was agreed that last year’s meeting minutes were considered accurate and accepted.
3 – Matters Arising
London Marathon entry – Darren Ould ran this year in 3 hours and 1 minute! Next entry will be 2023.
Action – club will inform members of possible entries for 2023
4 – Welfare and diversity issues
Following on from sexual harassment claims by a member of the WFRA committee, Alice has set up a What’s App group for female members. Female members have reported no issues within the club but the group will continue to exist for any issues in the future. WFRA are working on a Code of Conduct as a response to this serious issue. Welsh Athletics have a Code of Conduct for clubs which will now be added onto website along with contact details of the Welfare Officers – now done thanks Martyn!
Alan S queried the issue of diversity within the club – asking whether there is anything we can do to be more accessible to under-represented groups. The feeling is that we are open and friendly and welcome everyone but cannot be complacent (relevant to discussion on point 8 ‘Tuesday night runs’).
John A welcomed new members attending this AGM.
John A reminded everyone of etiquette around al fresco toileting!
Action – club members to be sent a reminder of Code of Conduct and contact details
5 – Officer’s reports
A – Secretary – Chris Farr
Nothing of note to report.
B – Treasurer – Andy Blackmore
£1200 credit balance with spend low and predictable. Propose that we retain £5 membership fee.
C – Membership Secretary – Gary Davies
Currently 80 paid members – 59 male and 21 female – highest this has been for a while. 17 members also signed up to Welsh Athletics. Gary has had a clear up of membership with mailchimp communication now only going out to paid up members, although Facebook will remain open for interested future and current members.
Gary requested use of £30-40 to spend on new digital membership system – all in agreement good idea.
Action – Gary to make enquiries around digital system and set up.
D – Club Captains
Donna Grant – Female Captain.
Donna asked that all female members have a look at races and sign up if available. WFRA events are now live and on calendar and website.
Matt O’Keefe – Male Captain.
Some great success this year – Dragons Back, Ben Mitchell 4 wins and course records, a few team prizes and age category wins. Simon and Matt represented Wales recently at the World Mountain Running Association Nations cup in Italy. Matt has taken over from Chris Jones to run the South Wales Series of races.
Well done to all MDC members racing this year!
Richard Cronin has agreed to continue to promote other events such as trail races – mainly via Facebook. – Action – Richard
E – Club Covid Safety Officer – Alan Stone
Covid procedures were operational during restrictions – e.g. photos of ICE cards for contact tracing – this no longer needs to happen. Usual Covid regulations now apply – e.g. do not attend events or training if ill, etc.
Will continue to strongly recommend members carry ICE cards on training runs, races.
F – President – John Aggleton
Nothing of note to report.
6 – Website and Communications
Martyn has just taken on this role from Ollie (thanks Ollie for all your hard work).
Action for all members – if anyone wants anything added to website, including pictures or race reports please send Martyn something over.
Action for Dragons Back participants – please write a short paragraph about your experiences for website and send to Martyn.
7 – Election of Officers / roles
All Officers happy to continue in role.
8 – Tuesday night runs
Volunteer roles are as follows;
– Simon Darke is booking pubs
– Marcus is creating routes
– Martyn is putting details on website
– Ollie is posting the run on Facebook and ensuring there is a dedicated run leader for fast and steady group.
– Many thanks to these volunteers for their work every week!
Discussion re steady group, agreed that;
– Minimum number in group should be 4 with one leader volunteering in advance each week and members of the ‘fast’ group to make up numbers as required. Alice, Mark and Alan happy to lead any runs, Chris happy to lead local runs – e.g. from Taffs Well.
– Agreed that everyone should bring a minimum of map, survival bag and ideally first aid kit on Tuesday night runs.
– A disclaimer to highlight on the website that participants ‘run at their own risk’
– A working group should be set up on safety regarding Tuesday night runs as suggested that, as a minimum, we need a risk assessment.
Actions – Martyn to add disclaimer and minimum kit requirement to website.
Action – Gary and John to speak to Andrew Blackmore regarding WFRA advice on safety on training runs.
Action – Gary to speak to Welsh Athletics on this issue too.
Following on from above actions – Ollie and Richard to talk about developing a Risk Assessment and taking this to committee to sign off
9 – Events / Grand days out
Winter Transfan 19th December is planned to go ahead. Discussion around ensuring that potential participants are ‘vetted’ for experience over this distance and under winter conditions.
Gary is attempting Paddy Buckley and would welcome members to join him for any recce expeditions.
Action for all – any further ideas for 2022 post on Facebook or email committee
10 – MDC History Archive
Cara is still interested in this and happy to collate materials.
11 – AOB
– Club vests – contact Gary if you would like one.
– Juniors – WFRA now have Juniors Co-ordinator to encourage more youngsters to take part in fell running in Wales.