MDC AGM Minutes 2023
FINAL Minutes of meeting – MDC Committee Meeting
November 7th 2023. Fino Lounge, Whitchurch, 8.00pm
Minutes prepared by Chris Farr – Secretary
1 – In attendance
Duncan Innes, Chris Farr, Dougie Innes-Farr, Ben Moon, Derek Thornley, Kay Lucas, Martin Lucas, Norman Jones, John Aggleton, Ffion Grant, Marcus Pinker, Donna Grant, Oli Lamford, Jonny Campbell, Matt Whipple, Simon Darke, Briony Latter, Roger Mills, Geraint Jenkin, Martyn Driscoll, Mark Ponsford, Clare Ponsford (and Iris), Gethin Thomas, Emma Battensby, Richard Cronin, Josh Tremblay, Sarah Cordeaux, Alice Bedwell, Mark Saunders, Chris Joseph, Sharon Joseph, Andy Stott, Ian Macklin
Apologies; Gary Davies, Andrew Blackmore, Alan Stone, Darren Shaw, Matt O’Keefe, Gareth Jones, Rob West.
- Minutes from last year’s AGM (Nov 2022)
It was agreed that last year’s meeting minutes were considered accurate and accepted.
- Matters arising
- Donna and Chris had agreed to be signatories for MDC account but Andrew B had not had confirmation. Donna and Chris both confirmed still happy.
- Membership Secretary now using Fabian4 for renewals – much easier!
- Richard officially voted in as Membership Secretary – thanks Richard!
- Safety issues discussed below under ‘Tuesday night runs’.
- Donna and Sarah C are taking over Winter Craig Y Allt. No-one has yet come forward for summer.
- Bobble hats have been sourced and sold!
- Welfare and diversity issues
Chris F and Briony are developing an Inclusion Policy based on one Oli has put together.
Action – Chris F and Briony to action
- Officers’ reports
- a) Secretary – Chris Farr
2x Committee meetings have been held to discuss and action important issues including requirements from Welsh Athletics and Safety on Tuesday night training runs / days out. Slower paced runs have been successful over the summer. Not planning to calendar these in over winter but will arrange informally if starting venue close to Cardiff on familiar ground eg HQ. Have re-worded some website information esp re training runs with Briony. Briony has been co-opted onto committee due to her enthusiasm and expertise.
- b) Treasurer – Andrew Blackmore
Andrew has contacted John A wishing to stand down. All thanked Andrew for many years of service to the club in this role. Matt Whipple offered to take over which was supported by members.
Andrew reported that signatories volunteered last year (Chris F and Donna) but the process has yet to be completed. In terms of our financial position we have £1.3k which is net of the payment made in respect of the recent kit order but do note Matt’s outstanding request for the club to pay for the FRA relay costs (which Andrew supports). Reports that we are in a healthy financial position.
Action – CF to ask Matt W what this involves and action.
- c) Membership Secretary – Richard Cronin
Report – As agreed at the previous AGM, I have taken over responsibility of membership from Gary but need to be formally voted into the role this year.
2023/4 | 2022/3 | |
Total Members | 76 | 84 |
Male | 58 | 63 |
Female | 18 | 21 |
Female as % | 24% | 25% |
1st claim WA | 21 | 19 |
Average D.O.B. | 13/08/1975 | 10/05/1975 |
Average age | 48.2 | 47.5 |
Overall – a small drop in membership since last year. A few who were members but not regularly active with us have not renewed this year. Other than newcomers, Tuesday night attendees are all renewed!
Average age has increased by less than 1 since last year – despite non-renewals being disproportionately young.
We are still roughly 3/4 male.
The club is a sustainable size. The numbers attending on Tuesday evenings have been manageable.
The Fabian entry system has made membership admin much more simple, and reduced the risk with storing personal data. Thanks to those who renewed so promptly – we had 34 sign-ups by the first day of the membership year.
Discussion re increasing membership fees to £6 (currently £5)
- d) Club Captains
Donna Grant – female captain
Report –
Women’s working group
-WFRA – Briony
– Barriers to fell running
– Inclusivity
British Fell Relays
Mixed Team came 7th!
Men came 79th
Ambition is to get together a women’s team next year.
Kymin Race January – 2nd Female team
Fan y Big horseshoe race in July – 1st team ( Katie, Donna & Briony)
Black Mountains – Katie 1st female
Pen Tir Drop – Katie 1st female
Flora and Sarah doing more fell races – yay!
Sugar Loaf – Katie 3rd
More female teams in fell races
More women fell running in general
More fun!
Matt O’Keefe – male captain (not present – written report)
MDC Achievements
7th mixed team at relays
Tomas Black Welsh U23 champ and South Series U23 champ
Simon Darke V60 winter series champ
Welsh Champs
Tomas Black 1st U23
Winter Series
Simon Darke 1st V60 and many category wins
Joe Reardon 2nd U23
Martyn Driscoll 4th V40
Donna Grant 2nd V40
South Wales Series
Tomas Black 1st U23
Ian Macklin 2nd V50
Donna Grant 4th V40
Race winners
Matt O’Keefe 1st Llanbedr to Blaenavon, 1st Preseli Beast, 2nd Pentyrch
Simon Roberts 1st Fan Fawr
Katie Ironside many wins
Others to call out
Dan Powell 2nd Cwm Nant y Groes, 2nd Craig Yr Allt
Josh Tremblay many top 10s – 5th Black Mountains, 5th Fan Fawr, 9th BB, 6th Cribyn
Darren Ould several top 10s, great running on road and trail
Ben Moon 1st V40 Sugar Loaf
Fell Relays
7th mixed team:
Donna Grant, Darren Ould/Marcus Pinker, Alice Bedwell/Sarah Cordeaux, Joshua Tremblay
79th mens team:
Joshua Tremblay, Simon Darke/Ian Macklin, Mark Saunders/Roger Mills, Darren Ould
- e) Safety officer – Alan Stone
Alan is now Safety Officer. Is going to deliver 2 hour training session on safety to run leaders in December. Health and Safety Policy has been developed in draft as per Welsh Athletics requirements, but has not yet been added to club portal. This is the only item outstanding on the Club Standards list.
Action – Committee to review and sign off in readiness to upload at next meeting
- f) President – John Aggleton
John confirmed he is standing down. All thanked John for his sterling efforts particularly during recent very challenging times. Martyn Driscoll has taken over with member support unanimous.
Action – John A to let Welsh Athletics know of change in role.
- Website and communications
Sarah confirmed she is willing to get involved with website maintenance now that Martyn taking on role as President. Roger would like to put some articles on the website.
7 – Club Constitution
Will be discussed at next Committee meeting – (now 29th Nov 23)
- Election of Officers/Volunteer Roles
Confirmation of new officers;
President – Martyn Driscoll
Treasurer – Matt Whipple
Richard sworn in officially as Membership Secretary.
9 – Tuesday night runs
John A expressed thanks to all run leaders. Confirmed always a minimum of 4 in organised training runs and full kit needed on winter runs and in inclement weather (including first aid kit and mobile phone – all details on MDC page). Richard is sending out this information to interested newcomers.
Alan S has offered to provide first aid training to run leaders – now confirmed for Monday 4th December (max 6 attendees). Alan has requested a donation to Central Beacons Mountain Rescue for his time.
Action – donation to be discussed at Committee meeting 29th November.
Plea from CF for more volunteer for slow paced group which has proved pretty successful (starting up officially again Spring and Summer 24)
Full Safety kits are now available for run leaders.
Roger has been collecting data on sustainable behaviours on Tuesday night runs – liftsharing, use of sustainable transport etc.
- Events/Grand days out
Matt outlined idea of another Pembrokeshire weekend as previous one this year very successful. Thinking first May Bank Holiday next year but to be confirmed.
- New fell races
New race organisers are to be welcomed and encouraged. Simon is taking over Cribyn.
- MDC history archive
Now on website.
- MDC kids’ section
Dougie provided rationale of why he thinks there should be a MDC Junior team – all in agreement. Will require re-write of constitution.
Action – Donna, Chris and any others to action this – firstly by linking up with Mynydd Du Mini Dragons
- Any other business?
Mari Llwd North of Cardiff this year – Darren hosting in Pentyrch.
Life membership discussed for long term members who not so active racing but still very much involved (eg marshalling).
Action – discussion re this and criteria for inclusion at next Committee meeting
Briony asked for further nominations for WFRA Environment Award – see Facebook posts and website.
Action – all