MDC AGM Minutes 2022
Minutes of meeting – AGM Mynyddwyr de Cymru
November 29th, 2022. Fino Lounge, Whitchurch, 8.00pm
Minutes prepared by Chris Farr – Secretary
1 – In attendance
Gary Davies, Rob West, Martin Lucas, Kay Lucas, Karen Elvers, Simon Darke, Darren Shaw, Martyn Driscoll, Oliver Lamford, Flora Davies, Patrik Dahl, John Aggleton, Chris Farr, Sharon Joseph, Chris Joseph, Donna Grant, Briony Latter, Roger Mills, Matt O’Keefe, Richard Cronin, Mark Ponsford (part), Phil Read
Apologies; Andrew Blackmore, Alice Bedwell, Mark Saunders, Derek Thornley, Marcus Pinker, Matt Whipple, Katy Ironside, Mo Hashish, Geraint Jenkin, Alan Stone, Duncan Innes
- Minutes from last year’s AGM (2021)
It was agreed that last year’s meeting minutes were considered accurate and accepted.
- Matters arising
London Marathon place is available.
Action – Gary D will look at what needs to be done to access place and promote offer to all club members
- Welfare and diversity issues
Alice Bedwell and Mark Saunders not present at AGM. Reminder that the Club Constitution is on the website plus an overview of Safety in the Hills.
Club Constitution – MDC fell running club (runmdc.org.uk)
Safety in the Hills – MDC fell running club (runmdc.org.uk)
- Officers’ reports
- a) Secretary – Chris Farr
Verified Mark Saunders DBS as required for affiliation with Welsh Athletics in Welfare Officer role as his British Orienteering one was too out of date. Alice’s DBS was accepted as more recently renewed her British Orienteering one. Both Alice and Mark have done the mandatory training expected of them as Welfare Officers.
Noted ‘Secretary’s Portal’ on Welsh Athletics website but not had chance to fully review this yet. Appeared to automatically update for the above DBS completion.
- b) Treasurer – Andrew Blackmore
Report sent via email
As at 8 November we have a credit balance of £1,494 an increase of c£300 when compared to the balance reported at the 2021 AGM. As usual our only real income stream is from £5 membership subscriptions with expenditure remaining low and predictable relating to IT (website hosting and domain name) costs. We don’t earn any interest from our credit balance nor do we pay any account fees.
From a financial perspective there is no need to increase the membership fee and so could be maintained at the £5 level for another year meaning that it has been held at this level for all of this century, (I think) – truly value for money!
I’m happy to continue as Treasurer but equally happy to hand over to someone else.
As previously indicated, I have been trying to enable online banking but continue to be thwarted by Lloyds’ ineptitude. This is important so as to reduce key person dependency and improve transparency. I will persevere with Lloyds. We could swap banks but they all seem to charge account fees of c£5 per month (£60 per year equating to 12 MDC members’ subscriptions) – so thoughts here would be welcome.
It’s important to note that we have 3 signatories on the account: myself, John Sweeting and Douglas Adlam. We need to update the mandate so please suggest who you want to be included.
Action – Donna and Chris F offered to be new signatories
- c) Membership Secretary – Gary Davies
MDC Membership Secretary’s Report 2022
Last Year’s Report
Extract from 2021 AGM minutes: Currently 80 paid members – 59 male and 21 female – highest this has been for a while. 17 members also signed up to Welsh Athletics. Gary has had a clear up of membership with mailchimp communication now only going out to paid up members, although Facebook will remain open for interested future and current members. Gary requested use of £30-40 to spend on new digital membership system – all in agreement good idea.
This Year’s Report
As at 29/11/2022 1700, there were 82 fully paid up members but there were ~10 outstanding with an additional six confirmed as not renewing due to moving away. Club membership could potentially reach high 80s once remaining have paid up.
12 new members joined: · Flora Davies (F), Mo Hashish, Patrik Dahl, Stefan Morfey (not new?), Lorraine Kelsey (F), Chris Williams, Gareth Warburton, Matthew Knight, Joshua Tremblay (moving from Canada on Wednesday – seeking home in Taffs Well), Nikki Childs (F), Tomas Black (youngest member at 19), Maria Pietila(F).
Of the 80 fully paid up members, 22 are female which is 27% of the total membership.
Welsh Fell Running Association (WFRA) – it is not known what number of the club membership are members of the WFRA but the club encourages all members to do so and support grass roots fell running.
Welsh Athletics (WA). The cost to the club for affiliating with the Welsh Athletics increased to £100 for the year and the individual registration fee increased to £19.50. 12 of the paid-up members are registered with Welsh Athletics. An additional five of the paid-up members are awaiting registration with WA due to portal issues. The club affiliation fee and individual fees shall remain the same next year.
Vast majority of club membership payments are made by bank transfer.
The action to look at automated ways to collect membership fees from the 2021 AGM was not actioned in full and will remain an ambition of the membership secretary to reduce administrative tasks.
Action – Membership Secretary to roll over this action – automated systems to collect fees.
Reminder: Membership year is 1 April to 31 March.
- d) Club Captains
Donna Grant – female captain
MDC women are doing well with many races having enough for a team – most recently Blorenge with 1st team prize and Katie Ironside first woman.
Matt O’Keefe – male captain
MDC Achievements 2021-2022
International performers
Megan Carter-Davies:
- Has her own Wikipedia entry, apparently she speaks fluent Finnish!
- Ran for Wales in XC at World Athletics Northern Ireland International, Hellen Obiri (two time 5K world champion) won
- World Orienteering Champion (sprint) and two silvers
- 1st overall at Fan Brycheiniog
- 1st F at Skirrid, 1st F and 3rd overall at Night Sugar
Ben Mitchell:
- Part of GB Orienteering for several World Cups
- 2nd Ras y Gader
- 2nd at the Welsh Trail Running Champs
- Winner at Interceltic Trail Race at Trail de Guerledan running for Wales
- 1st at Skirrid, 1st Night Sugar
- Now engaged to Megan!
Harry Jones
- World Mountain and Trail Running Championships Long in Thailand – 11th (1st GB)
Simon Roberts
- Leading UTS until it got cancelled due to the weather
- Leading the Dragon’s Back until he got injured
- Ran for South Wales at the British Inter-Counties Senior at Moel Elio with Matt O’Keefe
2022 South Wales Series
Ian Macklin – 1st V50
Simon Darke – 2nd V60
Adrian Moir – 3rd V60
Briony Latter – 1st Senior (4th F overall, top 3 were vets)
Other highlights
Race winners
Katie Ironside – 1st Fan Fawr, Fan y Big and Blorenge
Matt O’Keefe – 1st Four Fans, 2nd Llanbedr to Blaenavon
Podium placers
Dan Powell – beat me in his first fell race, 2nd at Fan Brycheiniog (to Megan), 2nd at Fan Fawr, 3rd Machen
Tomos Black – Currently 2nd in Winter Series overall with 3 top tens
Gareth Warburton – 3rd at Fan Fawr
Joe Reardon – 2nd Cwm Nant y Groes, 3rd Kymin, lead the wrong way by me at Steam Bunny!
Sophie Pooley – 2nd Machen
Matt Whipple – 3rd at Brecon Beacons
Fell relays
We weren’t able to find the right combination of people to field a team. British Athletics wouldn’t allow Megan to run in a men’s team.
- e) Covid safety officer – Alan Stone
Alan not present at AGM. It was agreed that we no longer needed a Covid Safety Officer but would be very beneficial to have a ‘Safety Officer’.
Action – Committee to ask Alan if happy to take on ‘Safety Officer’ role.
- f) President – John Aggleton
A very difficult year for the President who confirmed he is happy to continue in role and will attempt a return to MDC runs in near future. All thanked John for continuing during a very challenging period for him and family.
- Website and communications
Martyn reported that paper-based newsletters from the past are now on the website. Could do with more news articles.
Action – all members to consider writing an article for website on recent running exploits
Agreed that what 3 words is excellent for start locations of Tuesday night runs as some are quite out in the wilds!
- Election of Officers/Volunteer Roles
All officers and volunteers currently happy to continue in role with exception of Gary Davies who is keen to handover. Richard Cronin has agreed happy to take this on.
Action – Gary and Richard to have discussion re handover
- Tuesday night runs
Thanks expressed to Marcus, Simon and Oli for organising these and others for leading including new(ish) leaders Briony and Donna.
Safety, liability and insurance issues
Ollie spoke about safety issues – there is lots of good practice in the club, but we agreed that we do need to think about formalising risk. Procedures need to be written down so that we can evidence our risk management. Risk assessments can demonstrate the forethought going into planning runs, and we don’t need many of them to cover our activities. We need to clarify the balance between personal responsibility and liability of club members organising runs.
Action – Ollie happy to work on risk assessments and documenting club safety procedures with a small group, as Alan Stone, Andrew Blackmore, Richard Cronin, Darren Shaw have offered to help.
There is also the issue of public liability insurance which Ollie has spoken to Welsh Athletics about. To take advantage of their cover, run leaders need to complete a number of training courses. For the activities that we do, including runs that have not been recced in advance, and in bad weather conditions, additional training seems to be required. Alternatives: WFRA could investigate providing public liability insurance for fell running club activities, as they do for races, but this conversation is just beginning. It may also be possible to purchase a bespoke scheme for the club. It is likely that all these options will require documentation and risk assessments.
Action – above group to look into public liability insurance options
First Aid kits – current policy is that we all need to carry them if we want to access one in need, on a basis of personal responsibility. Do we have the capacity to carry extra kit in the group, such as a group shelter or SAM splint?
ACTION – safety group to discuss further
Noted that there are opportunities for First Aid training from WFRA.
Offer from charity – Outdoor Partnership which is £150 to join and then access to lots of free training and support including leadership courses and First Aid Course.
Action – if there is appetite for training, Ollie to organise it with Outdoor Partnership.
Steady, steady option
Brief discussion resulted in agreement to possibly put on one per month which would be aimed at slower fell runners and could be used to attract newcomers and those unsure whether would suit.
- Events/Grand days out
Glyndwr’s Way Relay
Many thanks expressed to Matt Whipple for arranging this highly enjoyable relay over the summer. Write up on club website here – Club Relay: Glyndwrs Way – MDC fell running club (runmdc.org.uk)
Winter Transfan
Roger Mills is organising this day out set for 18th Dec. Open to non MDC if confident they have sufficient experience / fitness.
2023 options
Suggestion of Snowdonia Slate Trail and part of Cornish coast path (Martin and Kay Lucas can offer accommodation for latter!)
- New fell races
Briony and Donna responded to a WFRA plea for new race organisers but there wasn’t any response in return. Gary has suggested that they could take on the summer Craig Y Allt race – traditionally held on a weekday evening.
Action – Donna, Briony and Gary to discuss
- MDC history archive
Martyn has been busy archiving some old newsletters which are now on website.
- MDC kids’ section
Discussion re replicating Mynydd Du’s very successful ‘Mini Dragons’. Noted that Club Constitution states club is for over 18s only.
WFRA have a lead for Junior racing – Neil Hockley. There are a series of junior races being planned for 2023.
Action – anyone interested in developing this idea could start by meeting with Mini Dragons team. Donna (two interested children), Chris F (one interested child) and Oli (one very young but potential junior member) initially expressed interest.
- Any other business?
Mari Lwyd
Cara Cullen (MDC Aberystwyth branch) was given a horse’s head for her birthday which will be brought into operation on Tuesday 20th Dec. Route and final hosting location will be confirmed in due course.
Climate emergency
Roger is going to be developing a spreadsheet to assess travel mileage to events and Tuesday night runs to act as a baseline for reducing our impact on the environment.
Briony is working with the WFRA on increasing sustainable practice in fell running and racing.
Club vests and potential new bobble hats
Gary is going to give Simon Darke club vests as he is at most events.
Simon and Martyn have sourced an MDC colours bobble hat – agreed that would be interest if had MDC logo / lettering on front. Also discussion about possible use of MDC funds to subsidise.
Action – Simon to source costs of hat with MDC logo / lettering for further consideration.